Looking for a wills and probate expert?

As experienced Chartered Accountants and wills specialists, we bring a wealth of knowledge to managing accounts, taxation, and probate services. At Pearson McKinsey, we take pride in being recognized as the leading probate specialist and tax advisor in London.

Understanding Probate

Probate is the process of assessing and transferring the assets of a deceased person’s estate. We specialize in handling all aspects of Probate and Estate Administration, offering comprehensive services such as:

  • Researching and assessing the value of the deceased’s Estate.
  • Preparing Inheritance Tax accounts.
  • Managing Income and Capital Gains Tax liabilities of the Estate.
  • Handling asset gathering and creditor payments.
  • Advising beneficiaries and executors on tax implications related to asset sales.
  • Preparing tax returns for personal representatives.
  • Providing final Estate accounts.

Our Process

Obtain a Grant of Probate

This initial step involves gathering information to prepare the Inheritance Tax Account and the Executor’s Oath. We understand the sensitivity of this period, recognizing the stress on the immediate family.

After Probate is Granted

A dynamic phase where the Grant of Probate is registered with asset holders, debts are settled, and assets are collected or sold. Executors authorize payments, including legacies and interim distributions to beneficiaries.



This stage may involve negotiations with the Capital Taxes Office and preparation of a Deed of Variation if chosen by beneficiaries.

Accounting & Final Distribution

After settling asset values and debts, paying Inheritance Tax, and obtaining a Clearance Certificate, we draw up comprehensive accounts showing money movements and finalize distributions to beneficiaries

Our Transparent Fee Structure

Our fees are time-based, reflecting the complexity of the required work. However, we ensure cost transparency through fee capping—limited to 1.5% of the Estate’s gross value (2% for foreign assets). This not only establishes the maximum cost for you but also motivates us to complete the work efficiently, securing Probate and transferring Estate assets promptly. (Change in Fees)

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